Carey Ziegler's Expensive Hobby

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Cover material includes : Alan Parsons, Beatles, Robert Palmer, Chicago,
Zappa, Tower of Power, Supertramp, CSN and the list goes on. So
come out, have a seat, relax, and leave the therapy to us.

And.......if you need a bathroom break, we do a few originals as well.

Some of our originals have been streamed over 10,000 times on Spotify!

I have a $40 receipt this year and the past years to prove it.

A Heads Up to you Youngins' out there.

If you're planning a music career during these crazy times.... make sure you have a backup plan.

Just one word explains it all....COVID. Always prepare for some time off.


Sunday, August 11, 2024
Stables Restaurant,  Westminster MD
4-8pm and as always...Best Crab Cakes in Town!

View Event 428930