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Subject: SEASONED Experienced Lead Vocalist

From: Rich

Date: 2/12/2017 7:38:00 PM


We are a reforming band who are looking for a lead singer.  We have 4 members:  2 guitars, bass and drums.  All but the drummer sing but he is very talented on drums and at recording.  One of the guitar players has a guitar synth and can play some keyboards, but we have been holding off on introducing the keyboards for a while.  The four of us played together about 6 years ago and since we got along personally and musically, we decided to get back together.  We play mostly classic and some 90’s to 00’s rock.  We are all seasoned musicians and have all been in bands that have played out regularly.  We would like to play out about 2-3 times a month – nothing too demanding, but enough to supply us with a good amount of spending money.  We practice once every 2 weeks on a weekend day from 12 to 4.  We can depend on each other to do our homework and come to practice ready to run through songs and fine tune the parts that need further “seasoning”.  We are not druggies or boozers and seek the same in a lead singer.  We have a place to practice in Finksburg.  In short:  we enjoy making music together and we are all dependable with transportation, a good work ethic and musical chops. The lead singer we had back in the day is unavailable. 

So – we saw your ad and were wondering if you’d like to come down and audition.  If so, get back to me via email at or by calling and leaving a message on my cell at 605-517-0099.  If you are interested, I can send you a song list of what we are currently doing.  (We are wanting to do some songs that require a singer with a high range, but none of us can cover that.  If you are capable, that will expand our repertoire.)  I look forward to your reply!

  • Rich
